Life Jacket Loan-Out Program

Every spring as the weather warms, swimmers and boaters start to appear along the shores of our area lakes and rivers. It is the goal of the Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District (SCFPD), along with the State of California Department of Boating and Waterways to make these water ways as safe as possible. In order to speed the process for a life jacket loan, the form can be downloaded and filled out in advance. Check out the summer safety tips in order to ensure an injury-free enjoyable summertime.
Life Jackets are available at the following Fire Stations:
- Fire Station 22 4845 Yosemite Boulevard, Modesto
- Fire Station 23 7737 Yosemite Boulevard, Modesto
- Fire Station 24 321 E Street, Waterford
- Fire Station 26 3318 Topeka Street, Riverbank